STEELSHIELD® is a company that manufactures unique friction-reducing products for use wherever metal-to-metal contact occurs. It’s impact on metal is unsurpassed, thanks to the influence of a free negative ion. It caps ridges and seals valleys producing a nuetral ionic smooth surface, creating a micro film between contact surfaces.  STEELSHIELD® owes its unparalleled properties to technology based on the science of tribology. The result is a durable electro-chemical bond to steel and metal of all types. Surfaces coated with STEELSHIELD® products resist/prevents carbon atoms of all types, from spent gun powder to fuel combustion waste. Carbon atoms are the culprit of corrosion, sludge, and other forms of carbon atom wastes. STEELSHIELD® protects, cleans and preserves steel and metal from the undesired effects of carbon waste, from a squeaky hinge to engines/transmissions to weapon systems, STEELSHIELD® products simply protects, enhances performance ensuring longevity of mechanized technology. Where other products fail, STEELSHIELD® will perform. Experience a standard or performance that other products just are not designed to achieve.

STEELSHIELD® products are the advancement of Prof. George C Fennell’s proprietary thesis at PITT institute. Prof. Fennell’s work revolutionized tribilogical lubrication applications. Prof. Fennell’s contribution to the advancement in the field of tribology is known around the world, Prof. Fennell is the father and inventor of this proprietary technology. We at STEELSHIELD® have developed a modernized proprietary approach to processing that has resulted in the ability to make Prof. Fennell’s technology available at pricing that all people can utilize. No longer is Prof. fennell’s technology affordable only to government bodies and corporations, it is now affordable to the individual user to achieve military strength application at home. We at STEELSHIELD®  salute and thank Prof. Fennell for his contribution to the field of tribology, our desire is to further proliferate Prof. Fennell’s technology to the betterment of mankind.

Now this technology is available and produced in Poland.